
日時: 令和4年10月26日(水)午後3時〜4時
場所: 加齢医学研究所スマートエイジング棟6階セミナー室
演題: 没入型仮想現実(IVR)を用いた高齢者の身体活動の促進
講師: ジェローム ディネット
所属: ロレーヌ大学 心理・神経科学研究所
担当: 川島 隆太(所属 応用脳科学研究分野・内線7988)
連絡先:野内 類(所属 認知健康科学研究分野・内線8952)
要旨: Physical and social activities should be included in an efficient e-coaching for older adults and immersive virtual reality (IVR) is efficient if behavioral changes are transferred to the real physical world. In an experiment con-ducted with 42 older adults (63-85 years-old), participants were asked to interact with a specific immersive virtual reality (IVR) daily for 4 months in their homes, at least 15 minutes per day. Results demonstrate several positive impacts related to the use of the IVR (decrease of weight, decrease of waist circumference, number of steps outside) even if the time spent to use this IVR system decreases. So, the transfer from the IVR to the real world is very encouraging.