Secretariat, Alumni Association, IDAC | |
Date | Tuesday, 1 November 2022,16:00〜17:00 |
Room | 7th Floor, Seminar Room 1,IDAC Center for Basic Aging Research |
Title | The plastic change of aneuploidization contributes to malignant properties in cancers. |
Speaker | Minji Jo |
Affiliation | Division of Experimental Pathology, Cancer Institute, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research (JFCR) |
Organizer | Kenji Iemura, Department of Molecular Oncology・ext 8490 |
Abstract | Chromosome segregation errors generate cells with an abnormal number of chromosomes, i.e., aneuploidy. This is a common feature of cancers that is thought to correlate with drug resistance and poor prognosis. We previously assessed the ploidy of gastric cancer cells and unexpectedly found the extent of aneuploidization fluctuates during disease progression. This observation led us to hypothesize that the fluctuating aneuploidy level, instead of staying at high or low levels, might associate with the acquisition of malignant properties. To address this, we inoculated cancer stem cell clones with different ploidy statuses to mice. The results recapitulated what we saw in gastric cancers and, intriguingly, tumors that were formed in mice revealed characteristic malignant features depending on its aneuploidy levels. In this talk, I will share the latest datasets and also discuss the possibility that the mitotic kinase Aurora B might underlie the ploidy fluctuation, contributing to the acquisition of diverse malignant phenotypes in cancers. |